Thousands of offshore production platforms around the globe will sooner or later become obsolete when the well is exhausted and extraction is no longer economical or technical feasible. Decommissioning of these platforms is the next thing to do.  

Decommissioning Supply Chain

In a nut shell the decommissioning supply chain consist of the following steps; 

  • Plug & Abandonment of the well 
  • Offshore Removal  
  • Onshore Dismantlement & Waste management 

Each element in this supply chain is a different discipline that requires unique skills and expertise. HSD is specialized in the last step; onshore dismantling & waste management. Some twenty years ago HSD stepped into this market and built up a lot of experience from numerous platforms. 

Ships & Ship Wrecks

In terms of decommissioning there is great similarity between offshore installations, ships and, to a lesser extend, shipwrecks. The dismantling process and waste management is identical in many respects. Offshore platforms are generally more complex, while vessels sometimes presents challenges due to their size. Nonetheless HSD also masters this discipline.  



HSD approach decommissioning 

HSD has become a well established partner that fully understands the needs of their clients such as  O&G companies, HLV contractors and consultants. 

HSD operates low profile when taking care of the onshore scope in the decommissioning supply chain. HSD’s priorities are efficiency, safety and environmental sound working practices. Success is achieved by experience, resources  and solid principles 

With global warming and finite resources of raw materials our planet faces many challenges. Our ambition is to actively contribute; close the circle of material (re-)use with minimal green house gas emissions. Clients can engage their shareholders and stakeholders with confidence when HSD is involved.  

HSD accepts offshore platforms as objects in total with all the related challenges that may be present. There are no exceptions in terms of waste such as NORM or asbestos. Platforms are carefully dismantled and the resulting waste is separated to a level that can be further processed by specially selected waste processors. HSD makes optimum use of the excellent infrastructure for waste in the Netherlands. This process of dismantling and waste management has been perfected and matured by 20 years of experience. Without exceptions the results are high percentages of recycling.  

The environmental license allows HSD to accept a platform  or vessel “as is” ensuring our clients “a one stop shop”. HSD offers an integral decommissioning solution. Practically all related work is done by HSD with an minimal involvement of subcontractors or third parties. This allows HSD to operate decisive and makes communication with our client direct and straightforward.  

Reuse of discarded platform is the preferred option even when recycling percentage are near 100%. In some cases it is possible to reuse or repurpose a platform. HSD was also involved in some outstanding examples where HSD did preparatory work for reuse or even completely refurbished a platform. 

Let’s Work Together

Reach out today to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your project needs.
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