Obviously the yard is the main asset of HSD. The yard is established in the year 1999 with decommission of offshore platforms, ships and shipwrecks in mind. Another objective was flexibility so the yard could serve other offshore related projects as well. The resulting yard is a multipurpose land sea interface. 


The yard is located in an industrial area at the Western Scheldt estuary. With about 10 miles from the North Sea the yard provides easy unrestricted access to the open sea. There are no bridges or locks to pass. The area is served by main highways and a railhead at about 3 km from the yard. 

With a total area of 35.000 m2, an optimum is achieved between space available for interim storage and space required for work in progress. The yard has a quay of almost 200 meters long that is sheltered from direct waves of the North Sea. The water depth at the quay side is LAT -7,5 meters increasing to LAT -11,5 meters LAT at 20 meters outside the quay.  

The quay has a high loadbearing capacity suitable for load-in operations by SPMT’s. A large section of the quay has local reinforcements to withstand concentrated loads form RoRo ramps.  

Environmental impact

Decommissioning activities potentially could have a negative environmental impact without provisions to mitigate these. One of these measures is a fluid tight floor covering the entire yard and quay area. Contamination of the soil below is prevented in this way. A separate sewerage system allows full control over rainwater and other substances that can be present on the surface. In case of a spill the relevant sections of the sewerage system can be closed immediately. Collected water is monitored regularly and used for dust control. Excess water is discharged to an industrial waste water treatment plant. 

The environmental aspects of the operations at the yard are monitored by our ISO 14001 certified environmental management system.  

The yard is fully licensed for decommissioning projects without limitations. NORM is included. Furthermore the yard is certified according to the Port Security Act, Regulation (EU) 725/2OO4. 

Yard Features

  • Yard Location

    • Directly located at the North Sea with unrestricted access. No locks or bridges to pass. 
    • Area 35,000 m2, fully fenced off and Port Security certified.
    • Fully paved with a high load fluid tight floor.
    • Closed sewerage system. Full control over spillage and rainwater (zero discharge).
    • Provisions preventing dust emissions (sprinkler devices).
  • Quay

    • Quay nearly 200 m long adjoining the yard behind. 
    • Quay load bearing capacity quay suitable for SPMT’s operations. Reinforcements for ramps. 
    • Water depth at quayside at LAT: 7.5 meters water. 
    • Average tidal variance is approx. 4,5 meters. Quay 5,0 meter above mean water level. 
    • Quay side suitable for the receipt and mooring of offshore barges. 
    • Mooring points by means of 30 and 60 ton boulders. 
  • Yard facilities

    • Calibrated weighbridge with radiation scanner.
    • Storage facilities for hazardous materials and waste.
    • NORM decontamination facilities; dedicated fenced of area, two buildings, storage containers. 
    • Office facilities. Check out how HSD has further implemented their sustainable approach.